For those of you who have a hobby of recording the moment on video it does not complete if you have not already installed on your computer the best video editing software for the PC. Currently a lot of the best video editing
Best Computer for Photo & Video Editing
/ 9:13:00 AM
Best Computer for Photo & Video Editing For the videographer, sometimes complain, considering the work computer that you use to postproduction not as fast as they usually did well dihsailkan image quality is not maximized. Here are tips for you videographer before buying
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Plus Minus Camcorder Sony HXR-MC2500
/ 8:14:00 AM
It's been a long time I really wanted to review the HXR-MC2500 series kamare SONY vendor output is quite riveting true for me. Why? Hehehe .... that's what I will discuss shortly. As practitioners least a little insight will enlighten my friends who
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Tentang Komunitas Pencinta Tutup Lensa Camera KPTL Tutup Lensa memang harus dijaga, kadang tercecer dimana-mana. Walaupun harga tutup Lensa sekitaran Rp 50.000,- saja bukan soal uangnya tapi bagaima kita merawat alat dan memperlakukan kamera dan aksesorisnya yang banyak jasa kepada kita. Tutup lensa
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Harga Price Tripod Takara Atlanta VD-2500
/ 11:02:00 PM
Harga Price Takara Atlanta VD-2500 Tripod Haduh, gara-gara ulah oknum Sutradara gadungan yang menipu pemain dan rental kamera, Camera Sony SD 1000E saya di gondol dimalingnya, dan ironisnya lagi Mounting (dudukan/head) kamera Tripod Takara Atlanta VD-2500, ikut raib dibawanya. Walaupun tripodnya tinggal, tak
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Tips Menjadi Editor Profesional dan Handal
/ 8:05:00 PM
TIPS MENJADI EDITOR PROFESIONAL ANDAL Menjadi editor yang mumpuni yang bisa menangani aneka pekerjaan terkait penyuntingan menjadi satu capaian yang menjadi harapan banyak orang yang menggeluti profesi editor. Berikut adalah tips dari beberapa editor. Benny Hendratmo (Post Production Head MNC TV) dan Nova
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Download video dari facebook dengan cepat tanpa susah payah menginstall aplikasi terlebih dahulu, bagaimana caranya? seperti itulah pertanyaan saya beberapa terakhir ini. karena memang beberapa hari yang lalu saya mendapatkan video keren di facebook dan menjadikan saya ingin mendowloadnya, tapi setelah saya otak
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Beginner Strategies To Increase Adsense Earnings ConstantYou may already have heard a lot about how to improve your AdSense earnings, as many blogs that are already discussing about this. But you may not be aware of some of the strategies that will increase
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23 Ways to Improve Click & Revenue Adsense / PPC Advertising23 Ways to Improve Click & Revenue Adsense / PPC AdvertisingJanuary 19, 2015 By Shakir Rahman ~ Leave a commentHey bro! How are you today? This might be a good day 😀Okay, in
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Cara Rahasia Meningkatkan Penghasilan Adsense
/ 5:29:00 PM
AdSense Klik BursaPost by SEO Dave diperbarui 9 Maret 2014 di Tips Google AdSense, Make Money OnlineAdSense Klik ExchangeAdSense Klik Exchange: Cara Cheat Google AdSense diperbarui Maret 2014.Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya membuat sebuah grup FaceBook disebut Rahasia AdSense. Cepat bosan FaceBook (tidak
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